Shoe and socks deodorant Shoe and socks cabinet deodorant air freshener #JL04-xwccj316dn01-30ml

Availability 60 in stock
  • It gets rid of the stink on your shoes
  • Efficient sterilization
  • Freshen the air around your shoe cabinet and shoes

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Our shoe and sock deodorant contains peppermint extract and citric acid. It can remove the odor on the shoes, efficiently kill bacteria, and make the air around the shoe cabinet and shoes fresh. Its use method is very simple: first shake deodorant, then spray deodorant on socks and shoes, gently press 1-2 times, dry can wear. Completely eliminate the smell of shoes after use, effectively resist bacteria, so that the smell on your shoes completely disappeared.

Additional information

Weight 0.048 kg
Dimensions 10.7 × 3.1 × 3.1 cm
Net Content



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